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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is paramount to us at Doc Sansar. We are committed to protecting any personal information gathered through our website,, and other platforms operated by us.

We collect personal data only when necessary to provide our services, ensuring transparency and legality in the process. Your explicit consent is always sought, and we will inform you clearly about the reasons for data collection and its intended usage.

All collected data is retained for the minimum required period to fulfill your requests, and stringent security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification.

We do not disclose any personally identifiable information to third parties except when mandated by law.

While our website may contain links to external sites, we are not responsible for their content or privacy practices.

You have the right to refuse providing personal information, although it may affect our ability to provide certain services.

Your continued use of our website indicates your acceptance of our privacy policy. If you have any inquiries regarding our data handling practices, please don't hesitate to contact us.